Brand Identity
Welcome! In this section you will find the right information to properly display the brand identity along with the contents of the KRAUSMANN® tools family.
Here you can download for free the necessary graphic material edited by our dedicated design team. You can use this material for advertising purposes and to promote the KRAUSMANN® products.
If you need further support contact us and our team will make every effort to serve you and guide you properly.
Brand guidelines
Proper use of KRAUSMANN® logos and trademarks and other materials is mandatory. These elements represent the intellectual resources, high standards and corporate values that KRAUSMANN® has been applying to all its products since 2004.
Anyone wishing to use the KRAUSMANN® trademark logos and other material in connection with products, prints, online advertising, production / design material and other uses is encouraged to comply with the rules and restrictions described in the KRAUSMANN® brand guidelines. Any use other than these restrictions and instructions is strictly prohibited.
Choosing the right logo is easy. If you want to refer to the KRAUSMANN® brand in general, you should use the “GENERAL" logo. If you want to refer to power tools you should use the “POWER TOOLS” logo, if you want to refer to hand tools / accessories you should use the “DYNAMIC TOOLS” logo while if you want to refer to household items you should use the “HOME SOLUTIONS” logo.
If you intend to place the logo on a white or light colored surface, then select “on white", while if you want to place it on a black or dark surface, then select “on black".
Wallpapers KRAUSMANN®
General Wallpaper
HD (1920×1080) | 4K (3840×2160)
Garden Wallpaper
HD (1920×1080) | 4K (3840×2160)
UN1 POWER Wallpaper
HD (1920×1080) | 4K (3840×2160)
Proper use of KRAUSMANN® logos and trademarks and related materials is encouraged. They represent the intellectual resources, high standards and corporate values that KRAUSMANN® has established and implemented for the needs of visual communication and promotion since 2004.