Technical Data

KRAUSMANN® tarpaulins are suitable for various uses such as agriculture, construction, gardening, car and public markets. They are waterproof and very durable and have rings every meter so you can tie them and place them where you want.
They are available in the following colors and dimensions:
Green – Blue (65gr/sqm) :
2 × 3m (GN23500), 3 × 4m (GN23504),
4 × 5m (GN23508), 4 × 6m (GN23512),
5 × 6m (GN23516), 5 × 8m (GN23520),
5 × 10m (GN23523)
Blue – Green (140gr/sqm) :
2 × 3m (GN23530), 3 × 4m (GN23534),
4 × 4m (GN23538), 4 × 5m (GN23542),
4 × 6m (GN23546), 5 × 5m (GN23550),
5 × 6m (GN23554), 5 × 8m (GN23558),
6 × 6m (GN23562), 6 × 10m (GN23566),
8 × 12m (GN23570), 10 × 12m (GN23574)
White – White (180gr/sqm) :
4 × 5m (GN23600), 5 × 8m (GN23604),
6 × 8m (GN23608), 6 × 10m (GN23612),
8 × 12m (GN23616)
Blue – Silver (250gr/sqm) :
2 × 3m (GN23645), 4 × 5m (GN23649),
5 × 8m (GN23653), 6 × 10m (GN23657),
8 × 12m (GN23661)